General Information

General Information

Jinzhou Medical University (JZMU) has a strong faculty with 831 full-time teachers, among which 200 have senior professional titles and 289 have deputy senior professional titles. There are 385 teachers with doctoral degrees and 405 teachers with master degrees. The proportion of teachers with doctoral degrees accounts for 46% in all full-time teachers; the Student Teacher Ratio of JZMU is lower than 16:1.

Currently, 21 Ph.D. supervisors in clinical medicine are engaged and joint doctoral programs are implemented between JZMU and other high-profile universities, such as Jinan University, Suzhou University and Dalian Medical University.

JZMU has 2 national high-level talents, 1 winner of the National Famous Teacher Award, 3 members of the Teaching Steering Committee of Education Ministry, 1 national-level candidate of New Century Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project, and 23 recipients of Special Government Allowances from the State Council. JZMU also has 3 outstanding experts of Liaoning Province, 4 candidates of Liaoning Provincial Higher Education Climbing Scholars Support Program, and 16 winners of Liaoning Provincial Famous Teacher Award.
