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Professor Lv Zhaofeng Delivered a Academic Lecture at Jinzhou Medical University

On May 31st, Professor Lv Zhaofeng, the member of the Medical Education Committee of the Ministry of Education, the member of the Teaching Assessment Committee of the Ministry of Education, former President of Capital Medical University, and the doctoral supervisor, graced our “Academic Hall” with his presence and delivered an outstanding academic lecture for the faculty and students. Over 200 faculty members, including heads in charge of teaching affairs and teaching management staff, attended the lecture. President Qiu Wei presided over the lecture.

Professor Lv Zhaofeng presented a special report titled “The Laws of Higher Medical Education and the Composition of Professional Teaching Models.” In two and a half hours, starting with the history and development of modern medical education, he introduced the evolution of China’s medical education models and explained the four fundamental laws and eight characteristics of medical education. By taking the classic model of clinical medical education as an example, he deeply analyzed the connotation and implementation of teaching plans, the division and establishment of curriculum groups at various stages and the basic elements and internal logic of teaching.
