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Delegation from Waikato Institute of Technology Visited JZMU

On June 3rd, Kieran Aroha HEWITSON, Regional Executive Director of the Prosperity Bay and Hawkes Bay of New Zealand, and Mark Liu, Offshore Projects Manager of Waikato Institute of Technology, visited JZMU to inspect and join the Program Meeting on Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools Between Jinzhou Medical University and Waikato Institute of Technology. Vice-president Zhang Lijuan and the heads of the Academic Affairs Office, International Exchange and Cooperation Center, and School of Sports and Exercise Rehabilitation attended the program meeting. Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Center Zhu Xiaomei presided over the meeting.

Zhang Lijuan warmly welcomed Kieran Aroha HEWITSON and Mark Liu, and expressed sincere gratitude for the support and cooperation provided by the Waikato Institute of Technology. She pointed out that the Sino-foreign cooperation program in sports rehabilitation approved by the Ministry of Education has been a new breakthrough in the Sino foreign cooperative education program of Jinzhou Medical University. It was of great significance for the university to introduce high-quality overseas educational resources and serve the exchange of culture and education between China and New Zealand. She expressed that JZMU has been always willing to enhance mutual trust and strengthen communication with Waikato Institute of Technology to achieve new and greater development between the two universities.

The program meeting was held in a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere with in-depth discussions and exchanges between the two sides on topics of common concern such as the revision of the 2024 Talent Training Plan, the construction of International Curriculum Systems, and the establishment of student study abroad scholarships. A preliminary consensus was reached on mutual cooperation and negotiation to solve the problems.

Kieran Aroha HEWITSON fully affirmed the Sino-Foreign cooperation program. She stated that Waikato Institute of Technology would increase its efforts in teacher deployment, curriculum co-construction and joint research, work together with Jinzhou Medical University to face the opportunities and challenges brought by internationalization of education and continuously deepen the international cooperation and exchanges between the two universities.

After the meeting, accompanied by Zhang Lijuan and heads of relevant departments, Kieran Aroha HEWITSON and Mark Liu visited the sports venues and laboratories of School of Sports and Exercise Rehabilitation to inspect the teaching conditions. By interacting with students, they learned the situation of program students and patiently answering students’ questions on studying abroad and further study.
