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History Lecture on University Day

On 15th September, Jinzhou Medical University (JZMU) invited Mr. Liu Xiaoguang, Director of Liaoshen Campaign Memorial and research librarian of cultural relics, to give a thematic lecture entitled “Following the footsteps of General Secretary to relive the turning point of the Liberation War” to all teachers and students online and offline. Wen Deliang, Secretary of the Party Committee of JZMU, Ding Weiguang, President and vice-secretary of the Party Committee, vice-secretary of the Party Committee Qu Wei, vice-presidents Liu Hua and Zhang Lijuan attended the lecture.

When Xi Jinping, General Secretary of CPC visited Liaoshen Campaign Memorial this August, Liu Xiaoguang illustrated the history of Liaoshen Campaign with his professional and emotional interpretation. On recalling this experience he explored the reasons and the historical significance of the great victory of Liaoshen Campaign and gave the lecture from four dimensions: strategy of the campaign, people's support, model education and discipline of the army. The lecture gave teachers and students a deep insight into the knowing of Liaoning Province, a significant place in the history of the Liberation War and a key region where the strategy of revitalizing the Northeast is conducted.

